My Hero Academia is a very good anime and manga created by Kohei Horikoshi. The game that I am going to tell about is My Hero Academia The Strongest Hero which is an android game that was to be released recently but got canceled due to some issues with the game creators. But the Beta version of the game was already released and in this post, I have given the download link of the beta version of My Hero Academia the Strongest Hero Android APK. 

As you all might have watched the blockbuster anime of My Hero Academia but for those who haven't might know the story around which the game revolves. So the story is around a character named Izuku Midoria who has no Super Power in a world where there are 80% of people have some sort of power. But then he metes the number 1 hero All Might who passes on his Quirk one for all to Deku (Hero Name for Midoria).

My Hero Academia Android Game Download Link :

My Hero Academia The Strongest Hero Gameplay:

Step by Step instructions on how to play this game is given inside the video. Hope you found it usefull